Revelation Outline

Revelation Charts
I thought it might be helpful to put together an 'End-Times Overview' chart of all the key events prophesied in the book of Revelation. In general, the book of Revelation maintains a sequential order of the prophesied visions concerning Daniel's 70th week. The exception is when the Apostle John is told to 'prophesy again' (Rev 10:11). At that point, we are graciously and repeatedly provided with many more new details of the last 3 1/2 years of Daniel's 70th week... and even beyond.
I believe that one of the purposes of prophecy is to prepare God's people for extremely difficult times.
It seems God loves mysteries and is pleased when we struggle with His Word. It forces us to rely more upon Him. There are at least three commands we are given that produce a lot of tension when considering end-times: First, the one who endures to the end will be saved. It begs the question, the end of what? Second, we are to watch for the specific prophesied signs of His coming so that we are not caught off guard. Third, Jesus will come at an hour we do not expect. So, no one is going to figure out, to the day, when He will return. We are all going to be surprised in one way or another!
I originally created this website both as an introductory learning tool for those unfamiliar with the Book of Revelation, as well as a forum where those with extensive knowledge on the subject can exchange ideas. When teaching about prophecy, I found that it is usually intimidating to newcomers. Because of that, I developed a set of teaching notes which have helped to make the vital prophecies found in the Bible more accessible (See Donnie's Teaching Notes). I strive to put the facts of the end-times together in a concise, organized and informative manner utilizing visual charts to simplify complex prophetic topics and help people come away with clarity instead of confusion.
Bottom line, we may be the generation to witness His coming. Regardless of your view on the timing of the Great Tribulation, we can all agree that one day it will be critical for all Christians living in the last days to understand the signs of the End Times. Israel is back in the land, Jerusalem is the capital, and I am anxiously awaiting for the next signs; the ashes of a red heifer, daily sacrifices and the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. This day may be very soon or far off in the future, but this website is a small effort to fulfill one of the overarching messages of the Book of Revelation - WATCH and BE PREPARED!
Finally, don't be surprised if we are all a little confused on the exact details of the Second Coming. After all, John the Baptist, one of the most righteous men in the history of the world, was very confused with the details of the First Coming. The details of prophecy are not easy and take time and a lot of study to understand. I suggest we be very kind and patient in our teaching and discussions with lots of love for one another. Above all, this should not be a divisive issue among believers. It seems God loves mysteries and is pleased when we endeavor to understand His Word. Why? The subject of prophecy forces us to rely more upon Him and no one is going to figure out, to the exact day, when He will return. We are all going to be surprised in one way or another! Again, a boat-load of grace is needed surrounding this emotional and wonderful topic.